Finding a new pathway through sport

Sarah Kelly’s genuine curiosity and expertise insightfully reveals the critical questions and strategy required to unlock the power of sports, now and in the future.





Deeper Bio/Story

Sarah is an innovative, respected and inclusive professional with over 20 years of combined experience within the sports, marketing, law, education and waste management sectors. As the Chair and Director for several boards across these industries, she has proven expertise in governance, stakeholder engagement, sponsorships, risk management, legal compliance and major event management, including through periods of disruption and uncertainty. Sarah is passionate about sports and its impacts on local, national and international communities. She is an Associate Professor in Law and Marketing at the University of Queensland and an experienced commercial lawyer. She is globally known for her research, teaching and consulting in the sports field and is also leading a research hub at UQ in Trust, Ethics and Governance. As a globally recognised expert in the business of sport, Sarah partners with government, sports organisations, athletes and private organisations to generate robust, independent insights and practical actions to transform the role and impact of sport.


She has won awards for her teaching, provides strategic mentorship to sports technology start-up companies and current projects are focussed upon esports, women’s sport, sponsorship strategy, sports integrity and mega event legacy. She is the Queensland Chapter Leader for the Minerva Network, a national social enterprise concerned with providing mentoring to professional sportswomen. In 2021, she was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for her services to sports administration and to tertiary education.

Current board and chair roles

  • Brisbane Organising Committee for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic & Paralympic Games
  • Deputy Chair, Brisbane Lions AFLFC
  • Deputy Chair, Tourism and Events Qld
  • Non-executive director, Australian Family Lawyers


Referred Journal articles

  • Doyle, J. P., Su, Y., Kelly, S. J., Filo, K., & Kunkel, T. (2024). Investigating consumer preferences and perceptions of brands acrossmen’s and women’s sport: a brand architecture approach. Sport Management Review, 1-26.
  • Richardson, S., & Kelly, S. J. (2024). Nonprofit Boards in Pursuit of Innovation for Growth: Views From the Frontline. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly53(3), 666-688.
  • Richardson, S., & Kelly, S. J. (2024). Unlocking Nonprofit Innovation for Growth: Director Insights from Australia. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 1-31.
  • Richardson, S. & Kelly., S, (2023) Nonprofit boards in pursuit of innovation for growth: views from the frontline, Nonprofit and voluntary Sector Quarterly.
  • Doyle, J., Thilo, K. Kelly, S, Funk, D. (2023) Understanding Consumer Preferences and Perceptions of Brands Across Women’s and Men’s Professional Sport, Journal of Sport Management, (Forthcoming).
  • Richardson, S. Kelly., S, & Gillespie, N., (2023) How can nonprofit boards innovate for growth? An integrative, systematic review, Nonprofit Management & Leadership
  • Star, S., & Kelly, S. (2022). Examining procedural fairness in anti-doping disputes: a comparative empirical analysis. The International Sports Law Journal, 1-24.
  • Chien, M. Kelly, S. & Mao, W. (2021) Optimism bias and perceived susceptibility to COVID-19 among Australian travellers’ Current Issues in Tourism
  • Kelly, Sarah J.Derrington, Stephanie and Star, Shaun (2021).Governance challenges in esports: a best practice framework for addressing integrity and wellbeing issues. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 14 (1), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/19406940.2021.1976812
  • Kelly, S., Magor, T., & Wright, A. (2021). The pros and cons of online competitive gaming: An evidence-based approach to assessing young players’ wellbeing. Frontiers in Psychology12, 1176.
  • Doyle, J. P., Kunkel, T., Kelly, S. J., Filo, K., & Cuskelly, G. (2021). Seeing the same things differently: exploring the unique brand associations linked to women’s professional sport teams. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1-14.
  • Kelly, S.J. & Leung, J. (2021) The New Frontier of Esports and Gaming: A Scoping Meta-Review of Health Impacts and Research Agenda, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, section Sport, Leisure and Tourism.16 March 2021
  • Star, S., Kelly, S. (2020) A level playing field in anti-doping disputes? The need to scrutinize procedural fairness at first instance hearings. Int Sports Law J(2020).
  • Kelly, S.J.and Van der Leij, D. (2020), “A new frontier: alcohol sponsorship activation through esports”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  • Derrington, S., Kelly, S. & Star, S. (2020). The Case for Uniform Loot Box Regulation: A New Classification Typology and Reform Agenda,” Journal of Gambling Issues.
  • Mair, J., Chien, M., Kelly, S. & Derrington, S. (2020) Social Impacts of Mega-events: A Systematic Narrative Review and Research Agenda, Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
  • Kelly, S.J., Wilks, M., Ryan, A. & Kirby, J.N. (2019). The Role of international immersion in development of compassionate leadership, Compassion Journal, Open Access.
  • Westberg, Kate and Kelly, Sarah Jane (2019) Guest editorial. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal94: 313-314. doi:10.1108/SBM-09-2019-113
  • Kelly, S.J. & Ireland, M. (2019). The Alcohol-Sport Nexus and How Consumers are Impacted through Sponsorship, International Journal of Sport Communication, 12 (1) 70-103.
  • Kelly, S. J., Cornwell, T.B. and Singh, K. (2019). The gladiatorial sponsorship arena: How Ambushing Impacts Memory, Marketing Intelligence and Planning.
  • Kelly, S. J., Ireland, M., Mangan, J., & Williamson, H. (2018). Can alcohol sponsorship be diluted by health messaging? Sport in Society21(3), 434-451.
  • Chien, M.P., S.J. Kelly and C. Gill (2018). Identifying Objectives for Mega-Event Leveraging: A Non-Host City Case, Marketing Intelligence and Planning.
  • Kelly, S.J., M. Chien and C. Weeks (2017). “There Goes My Hero Again: Sport Scandal Frequency and Social Driven Response,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26 (1), 55-70.
  • Kelly, S., Coote, L., Cornwell, T. B., & McAlister, A. (2017). Mellowing Skeptical Consumers: An Examination of Sponsorship-Linked Advertising. International Journal of Sport Communication, 10(1), 58-84.
  • Burt, J., McFarlane, K., Humphreys, M., Kelly, S., Weatherall, K. and Burrell, R. (2017), “Brand name confusion: Subjective and objective measures of orthographic similarity,” Journal of Experimental psychology: Applied, 23 (3), 320-335.
  • Humphreys, M., Kelly, S., Burt, J., MacFarlane, K., Weatherall, K. and Burrell, R. (2017), How important is the name in determining the probability of falsely recognising a lookalike brand? Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 23 (3), 381-395.
  • Humphreys, M., Burt, J., Kelly, S., Macfarlane, K., Weatherall, K. and Burrell, R. (2017). Recognition in context: Implications for trade mark law, Psychological Bulletin Review, 1-8.
  • Thompson, HollyPrevite, Josephine A.Kelly, Sarah Janeand Kelly, Adrian
  • (2017) Examining alcohol management practices in community sports clubs: A systems approachJournal of Social Marketing7 3: 250-267.
  • Kelly, S.J., Alpert, F., Ireland, M. (2017). Alcohol sport sponsorship effects: A field survey test of image transfer and implied endorsement as mediators, Sport in Society.
  • Kelly, S.J., Mangan, J., Williamson, H., Does Alcohol Sponsorship in Sports Video Games Influence Alcohol Consumption? (2017). Sport in Society
  • Chien, P. M., Kelly, S. J., & Weeks, C. S. (2016). Sport scandal and sponsorship decisions: Team identification matters. Journal of Sport Management, 30(5), 490-505.
  • Kelly, S. J., Ireland, M., Mangan, J., & Williamson, H. (2016). It Works Two Ways: Impacts of Sponsorship Alliance upon Sport and Sponsor Image. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 25(4), 541.
  • Kelly, S.J., Ireland, M., Alpert, F., & Mangan, J. (2015) Young Consumers’ Exposure to Alcohol Sponsorship in Sport, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 16(2), 83-102
  • Kelly, S. J., Ireland, M., Alpert, F., & Mangan, J., (2014) The Impact of Alcohol Sponsorship in Sport Upon University Sportspeople. Journal of Sport Management, 28(4), 418-432
  • L. McAlister, S.J. Kelly, M. Humphreys and B. Cornwell “Out with the Old, in with the New: Communication Implications of Changing a Sponsorship Alliance”, (2011) Journal of Advertising, 41 (1), 5-16
  • Humphreys, M. B. Cornwell, A.L. McAlister, S.J. Kelly, E. Quinn and K. Murray, (2010) “Sponsorship, Ambushing and Counter-Strategy: Effects Upon Memory for Sponsor and Event,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 16 (1), 96-108
  • Kelly, S., Magor, T., & Wright, A. (2021). The pros and cons of online competitive gaming: An evidence-based approach to assessing young players’ wellbeing. Frontiers in Psychology12, 1176.
  • Doyle, J. P., Kunkel, T., Kelly, S. J., Filo, K., & Cuskelly, G. (2021). Seeing the same things differently: exploring the unique brand associations linked to women’s professional sport teams. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1-14.
  • Kelly, S.J. & Leung, J. (2021) The New Frontier of Esports and Gaming: A Scoping Meta-Review of Health Impacts and Research Agenda, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, section Sport, Leisure and Tourism.16 March 2021
  • Walters, G., Wallin, A., Kelly, S. & Magor, T. (2022) Cruising through a pandemic: or not? Annuls of Tourism Research (97) 103499.



  • Kelly, S. and T.Magor (2019) “Esports and Alcohol Advertising: A Content Analysis,” presented to the Foundation for Alcohol Reduction and Education.
  • Kelly, S., Mair, J. and Chien, M. (2019) “Social Impact Analysis of Olympic 2032 bid for Queensland.” with KPMG
  • Kelly, S. and T.Magor (2019) “Esports and Alcohol Advertising: A Content Analysis,” presented to the Foundation for Alcohol Reduction and Education.
  • Kelly, S. and T.Magor (2019) “Esports and Alcohol Advertising:A national survey of young Esports players and spectators,” presented to the Foundation for Alcohol Reduction and Education.
  • Kelly,S. and R. Gerrish (2019) “The Health Impacts of Online Gaming: A Systematic Literature Review and Survey,” prepared for Vic Health.
  • Kelly, S. (2018) “Gambling in Sport: the Livestreaming Landscape,” commissioned by the Australian Media and Communications Authority.
  • Chien, M. and S.Kelly (2018) “Advancing Kobe: Mega Event Leveraging and Legacy Planning,” presented to the Kobe government.
  • Kelly, S. and Chien, M. (2017) “Positioning Kobe as a sports destination,” presented to Kobe government, Kobe.
  • Chien, M. and S.Kelly (2017). “Destination analysis and market potential for Kobe,” presented to Kobe government, Kobe.
  • Kelly, S., (2017). “The Impact of Geo-Trademarks on Australian Products: Australian Consumer Survey Study Report,” presented to IP Australia.
  • Kelly, S., Mangan, J., Alpert, F. (2016). “A multi study analysis of alcohol sponsorship of sport and its impacts on sportspeople and consumers,” presented to the Australian Sports Commission.


Industry Publications-sole authored

  • “The state-of-play for Australian sport during COVID-19 and beyond”, (2020) Inside Sport June
  • “Selling the Dream: Why Storytelling is the future of professional Sport. (2020) Contact Magazine.

“A Classroom without walls.” LinkedIn (2020)

  • Momentum, “Game on: the Ethics of Esports,” May 2019.
  • Hype Top 50 magazine on Big Data in Sport (in response to invitation-reach approximately 40,000 globally)
  • The Conversation, “We are only starting to figure out the value of sponsoring sports,” January 17, 2018.
  • The Conversation, “Esports are taking off and the Commonwealth Games needs to catch up,” April 7th 2018
  • Momentum, “How Alcohol is at the heart of local sport,” March 2018.
  • Momentum, “Game on: the Ethics of Esports,” May 2019.
  • Contact Magazine “You can’t be what you can’t see: why women’s sport matters


Referred Conferences

  • Meler, Erika, Schull, Dan, Smith, Karl and Kelly, Sarah (2020). How to better embed clinical teaching into practice operations within veterinary teaching hospitals?. In: Vet Down Under Gatton 2020 Conference Proceedings. Vet Down Under, Gatton campus, QLD, Australia, (50-50). 11-13 February 2020.
  • Kelly, S.J. and Hayday, E. (2020) Workshop on Esports and Community Egagement/CSR, European Sports Management Association conference, London, UK (now delayed to 2021)
  • Kelly, S.J. (2019) Sponsorship Activation through esports:a risky frontier, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Association Conference, Wellington, NZ. (Best paper)
  • Meler, E.Schull, D.Smith, C.and Kelly, S. (2018).Can veterinary teaching hospitals be profitable?. In: VetEd DownUnder conference, University of Adelaide, Roseworthy campus. 13-14 February 2018.
  • Hassan, MahmudPappu, Raviand Kelly, Sarah (2018).How do new product preannouncements influence brand innovativeness?. In: 2018 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings. Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Adelaide, Australia, (576-576). 3-5 December 2018.
  • Chien, P. MonicaKelly, Sarah J.Cornwell, T. BettinaIkematsu, ShuYamaguchi, Shiroand Motohashi, Naoki (2017).Leveraging the Olympic and Paralympic games: building brand equity for all. In: 2017 American Academy of Advertising Global Conference, Tokyo, Japan, (). 6-8 July 2017.
  • Thompson, H.Kelly, S.Previte, J.and Kelly, A. B. (2016).Understanding What Responsible Alcohol Management Means to Community Sport Club Management Committees. In: 7th International Conference on Sport in Society, Honolulu, HI, United States, (). 2-3 June 2016.
  • Thompson, H.M., Kelly, S., Previte, J., & Kelly, A.B. (3 June 2017). The Experiences of Minors Who Compete in Senior Community Sport Teams: Is Alcohol a Team Socialization Tool? Presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference, Denver, Colorado.
  • Thompson, H.M., Kelly, S., Previte, J., & Kelly, A.B. (June, 2016). Negotiating alcohol consumption contexts: Juniors playing in senior community sport teams. Presentation at the World Congress of Sociology of Sport, International Sport Sociology Association (ISSA), Budapest, Hungary.
  • Thompson, H.M., Kelly, S., & Previte, J. (June, 2016). Understanding What Responsible Alcohol Management means to Community Sport Club Management Committees. Presentation at the Seventh International Conference on Sport and Society, Honolulu, Hawaii. Refereed conference.
  • Thompson, H.M. (August, 2015). Invitational presentation. Research in Sport Management and Post-doctoral study. Presentation to Department of Physical Education students. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
  • Thompson, H.M., Scott,K.M., & Stanway, A.R. (December, 2013). Member perceptions of the role of alcohol in women’s community sport club culture. Presentation at the 11th Biennial Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies (ANZALS), Melbourne, Australia. Refereed conference.
  • Chien, P. MonicaKelly, Sarah J.Cornwell, T. BettinaIkematsu, ShuYamaguchi, Shiroand Motohashi, Naoki (2017).Leveraging the Olympic and Paralympic games: building brand equity for all. In: 2017 American Academy of Advertising Global Conference, Tokyo, Japan, (). 6-8 July 2017.
  • Doyle, J.P., Kunkel, T., Kelly, S.J., Filo, K., & Cuskelly, G. (2020) Seeing the same things differently: Exploring the unique brand associations linked to women’s professional sport teams. North American Sports Marketing Association Conference,
  • Kelly, S.J. and Hayday, E. (2020) Workshop on Esports and Community Engagement/CSR, European Sports Management Association conference, London, UK (now delayed to 2021)
  • Kelly, (2019) Sponsorship Activation through esports: a risky frontier (ANZMAC Best Paper in Track) Dec 2019, Wellington, New Zealand
  • Doyle, Kunkel, T., Kelly, S.J., Filo, K. & Cuskelly, G., (2020) Exploring the unique brand associations linked to women’s professional sport teams (NASSAM)


Contact Sarah




    Dr Sarah Kelly